Compare life insurance policy rates in Canada

Get the Best Life Insurance Policy Rates In Canada:

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Last Updated on August 4, 2021 by Yetty Akindele

It is common knowledge to hear people argue over the importance of getting any kind of insurance policy. There are insurance companies everywhere, offering all kinds of packages and options to opt for. In this post, I am going to focus majorly on one type of Insurance- life insurance and how to get the best rates using So, is life insurance crucial? Definitely! 

For starters, it can provide financial protection to your family. A lot of people have come to realize the importance of having a life insurance policy.

This is especially true when you hear of someone who passed away but left his estate in order. One of such plans people make for the benefit of those they leave behind is life insurance.

Insurance can also reduce the stress faced during tough times. In case there is an injury, illness, or death in the family, at least one aspect you will not need to be concerned about is finance – as having an insurance policy will take care of it.

Now with the digital age, it is so easy to get your ‘to-do’s’ done with the touch of a button. More importantly, you are able to get the very best deals. You only need the information about how to get comparison sites that give you the lowest rates possible.

These comparison sites are available for areas such as online mortgage brokers as well as online insurance brokerage platforms. is one of such online insurance brokerages.

What is is an innovative online life insurance brokerage platform using intuitive design, real-world expertise, and the latest technology to make the process of life insurance entirely online, quick, and straight-forward.

It provides the best rates for disability insurance, critical illness insurance, term life insurance, whole life insurance, no medical life insurance, and mortgage protection policies. 

How Does Work?

The platform offers highly convenient access to the insurance policies of 20 of Canada’s main life insurance companies. The website has a user-friendly interface and is easy to navigate.

To start, all you need to do is enter your basic information into’s online tools. Once this is complete, the website using interactive technology determines the amount of coverage required.

Following this, you begin shopping for life insurance within just a few minutes. It helps save time and money by obtaining quotes, comparing insurance plans, and allowing you to apply for insurance whenever and anywhere.

You only need access to an internet-enabled device. is dedicated to helping you identify the most suitable insurance policy for you. It is based on your unique needs.

At this point in time, is only available in Alberta, Ontario, and Manitoba. However, it will begin operations in other provinces soon. 

#Related: Get your Will done in minutes at one of the most affordable rates in Canada with 15% off!


1. Life Insurance

Life insurance is a contract between an insurance company and the policyholder. In this contract, the insurance company states that it will pay a lump sum of tax-free money to your beneficiary upon your death.

For this to maintain validity, there is a need to regularly pay a specific amount of money. provides fulfillment and rates for term life insurance and whole life insurance. 

Term life insurance is the type in which you pay premiums at a fixed rate for a specific time(term). Once the time elapses, you begin another term. However, the fixed rate might not be the same value.

On the other hand, whole life insurance (permanent) is coverage that begins from the first day the policy is agreed upon until the day of death of the policyholder.

PolicyAdvisor - Save Up to 40% on Life Insurance When You Compare Quotes

The Benefit of Whole Life Insurance

One good thing with most whole life insurance plans is that as you make your regular contributions over time, part of the premium you pay will be invested.

The invested premiums then generate a monetary value which you as the policyholder can access during your lifetime. Accessing this cash can be either by withdrawal or borrowing against it as some form of collateral.

It should be noted that term life insurance can usually be converted to whole life insurance at any time.

Life insurance is recommended as it is available to most individuals. Contrary to popular belief, it usually turns out to be cheaper than expected. I would highly recommend it to anyone who has financially dependent family members.

2. Critical Illness Insurance

Critical illness insurance is an agreement between an insurance company and the insured. It consists of a one-time lump sum cash payment made if the policyholder becomes diagnosed with one of the severe illnesses covered under the policy.

A few of these illnesses include a heart attack, cancer, and stroke. Policy plans can cover as many as 25 critical illnesses or even more! 

PolicyAdvisor Critical Illness Insurance Offers Protection Against Life

3. Mortgage Protection

Mortgage protection allows you to protect your mortgage debt through term life insurance. This life insurance finds a match for the length of your mortgage’s amortization period and payout that covers the amount you owe on your mortgage.

It gives you a flexible option to protect the home you have for your beneficiaries,

Mortgage protection is a highly recommended alternative to bank or lender-offered mortgage insurance.

It allows for a one-time payment to be made to your beneficiaries to pay off your mortgage and other financial needs your family might have in case you pass away while the mortgage still needs to be taken care of. 

PolicyAdvisor - Paying too much for your mortgage insurance? See how much you can save

4. Disability Insurance

The purpose of disability insurance is to provide the insured protection in case of circumstances such as a loss of income due to disability caused by illness or an injury.

It can help by replacing a significant portion of your paycheque. It is applicable to both employed and self-employed.

This payment will be provided until you begin working again, or till the end of a predetermined disability coverage period – depending on whichever of the two ends up happening first.

You should note that this disability insurance isn’t only for disability due to accidents, but applies to that caused by illness as well.

PolicyAdvisor - Protect Your Ability To Earn. Disability Insurance Helps You Get Paid While You Recover


Using will perhaps be one of the best decisions you can make in regards to life insurance. There are specific reasons why you need to consider for your insurance needs.

It doesn’t sell leads

Most online insurance comparison sites in Canada are lead generators. They take information and send it to third parties or another insurance broker to earn a small profit.

However, does not do this practice. It doesn’t sell leads as it has in-house, licensed insurance experts to find the best insurance policy for the coverage needed. is a platform that always keeps the best interests of its clients in mind.

#Related: Get your Will done in minutes at one of the most affordable rates in Canada with 15% off!

Save money and time helps make the process of finding the best life insurance rates currently available very simple and convenient. It has access to 20 of Canada’s biggest insurers. It offers a straightforward online process, and the flexibility to shop for quotes at the touch of a button. provides the same precise prices as insurance companies and their in-house agents, and it shows numerous quotes from multiple sources in one go. This saves both your time and money by giving you a number of choices to select from.

Since the entire process is online, you don’t have to be concerned about setting up a meeting with someone or visiting a bank either. Additionally, if you are crunched for time, there is the option of booking a call immediately to speak to a professional

Similarly, as at the time of writing this article is the only 100% online platform that offers whole life, critical illness, and disability insurance buying experience in Canada.

Complete trust

You can always expect full transparency and honesty on Similarly, advisors on this platform give the very best of advice as there is no incentive such as commissions that may bring about bias. The advisors are paid a monthly salary.

Additionally, you should note that all the data exchanges on the website are safe and secure.


When I discovered, the level of supportive and helpful resources was interesting to get to know. The website is jargon-free too, ensuring that you never face any understanding issues while navigating around the website.

I have zero doubts that it is one of the handiest and convenient options to help plan life insurance presently in Alberta, Ontario, and Manitoba. You shouldn’t wait any longer to make a decision regarding what life insurance company to opt for.

Make your way to and figure out which life insurance policies are tailored to your requirements. 

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