Kindly go through my website before making any suggestions on blog post ideas. This is so you can browse my blog posts for a better understanding of the topics I write about and which will be a perfect fit.
Are you looking for exposure for an interesting article you have an idea for?
You are in luck. I am currently on the lookout for high-quality, engaging content to publish on my blog. Living Smart and Thrifty is a consistently growing blog, growing in authority, page ranking, and readership monthly. This is why this will be a great opportunity for you to submit a guest post.
While I am interested in publishing guest posts, I will not publish without direction. It is important that you adhere to the guidelines laid out below. I will only publish content that is of top quality, 100% unique that is engaging, and will provide value to my readers.
Guest Post Guidelines
Want your article published on my blog? Then, it is important for you to go by these guidelines. A failure to adhere to any of this will lead to your article submission being rejected;
- Any articles submitted will be subject to plagiarism check via multiple sources (it must not be published anywhere else, including your own website/blog)
- Topics should relate to the Personal finance, should be written from a fresh, unique, and engaging perspective
- Articles should be at a minimum of 1200 words, I prefer long-form content
- You must link to at least 2 of my own blog posts within your article. If you dont, I will.
- You should provide your keyword(s) and preferably have it within your first sentence/paragraph as well as your Title.
- Use short-form sentences that are simple and easy to understand
- 1 link to your website is accepted within the body of the article. You can provide a second link to your website or social media profile in the author’s bio section. The author’s bio section is restricted to a maximum of 60 words.
- You must share your article on your social media platforms after it is published
- Please note that I reserve the right to make any edits to your article as I deem fit.
Please send all guest post ideas/topics to [email protected]. I would prefer you do this first before starting on your article.
I am excited to hear from you and what you have to bring to the table!