Legal Wills Canada

Legal Wills Review 2021: Best Online Will in Canada

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Last Updated on February 2, 2021 by Yetty Akindele

Recently, I became a Mom and I started to ask myself certain questions. Once you become a parent, there is a different level of responsibility for another human that now takes priority. One of these questions is what will happen to my child should something happen to me?

With the recent social distancing measures put in place as a result of COVID-19, I started a search for the best online Will platform in Canada. Legal Wills was the result of my search.

As unfathomable as it may seem to comprehend, one of the unique characteristics of life for all living creatures is our mortality. Dying is a process that is gradually occurring as each day passes by, no one is exempted. It is therefore important to have your home in order, should this unpalatable situation occur. It is no respecter of persons.

No one wants their family and loved ones divided on matters of their estate following their passing. This then brings to play the importance of a written document that is legally binding, which expresses your opinion once you are no longer around to make decisions. This written document is known as a Will.

#Get your affordable and legally binding Will here at 15% off!

The sensitive nature of this subject is perhaps one of the reasons why most Canadians do not have a written Will. According to a poll carried out by Angus Reid Institute back in 2018, 51% of Canadians do not have a written Will or last testament, while only 35% have Wills that are up-to-date.

Possible Reasons For Not Having A Will Drafted

The top reason for this nonchalant attitude to writing a Will stems from the fact that we are most times oblivious of our mortality and think “I am still young, I do not need to have a Will”. Our rationale is that Will writing is for the old or it’s something that can always be done later.

Benefits of Drafting a Will

Without beating around the bush, see below 5 reasons why having a Will is beneficial;

  • It specifies in detail how you want your assets and estate divided. In Canada, your estate includes assets such as all of the money you have in banks, investment portfolios, real estate, etc. Consider a Will your voice from the great beyond.
  • It caters to the welfare of your children as you are able to express your desires with respect to who becomes your children’s guardian if they are minors.
  • The loss of a loved one is already Psychologically demanding for your family. A written Will minimizes undue stress associated with the division of your estate. This stress could come from having to deal with court matters regarding the division of the estate of a deceased person who has no Will
  • Having a written Will explicitly dictates how you want your estate shared and can help prevent unnecessary family discord.
  • When you have a Will drawn up, you have steered your own ship on your terms despite your absence. Without this, the matter is decided by the governing law.  In Canada, each province has legislation guiding this issue should the event occur. The downside to this is that you cannot decide what direction the legislation takes and it may not be what you wished for.
Canadian Legal Wills

How To Get A Will

Now, the question is how can you get your Will drawn up?

There are 3 main ways to this in Canada;

  1. Use of store-bought Blank Will kits
  2. Paying for the services of a Lawyer
  3. Use of Online Will platforms that make use of interactive software

One of the things I love the most about the internet age is the ease of getting tasks done within minutes. You no longer have to procrastinate getting a Will drawn as Online Will platforms now exist. Talk about convenience at it’s peak!

#Get your affordable and legally binding Will here at 15% off!

These are made possible with the use of interactive software that ensures the security of your information. All you have to do is answer the questions being displayed and then print out the documents.

In Canada, online Wills are 100% legally binding once wet-signed by you and 2 non-family members. These non-family members serve as witnesses, and the documents must be wet-signed and not electronically signed. Additionally, you do not need a lawyer or notary service.

To cap it, online Wills in Canada are offered at affordable rates ranging from $39.95 currently the cheapest to about $250 with the most expensive platforms. There is a huge saving as most lawyers will charge about $1000 to draw up a Will.

You don’t have to look far to prepare your Will and certain other documents. As a matter of fact, you can do it from this page, yes this one with a 15% discount as well. Read on!

Best Online Wills Provider In Canada

Canadian Legal Wills is my choice of the best online Will drafting platform in Canada, after considering most other online platforms, in terms of price, comprehensiveness, experience as well as many added benefits.

They claim to be the #1 provider of online Wills, Power of Attorney, and Living Wills in Canada. This isn’t surprising as the features offered by this online Wills provider are perhaps the best in the country.

They are also giving Living Smart and Thrifty readers a 15% discount which applies to any of their products. You could also use the discount code LIVINGSMART15 at checkout. Some of Legal Wills key benefits are listed below. This can serve as a guide to preparing your Will right now!

  • Lawyer approved documents
  • The most comprehensive benefits
  • They have been in business for over 20 years, hence they know their onions!
  • 30 days money-back guarantee
  • The most affordable rate in the country for service provided, so you save hundreds and perhaps thousands of dollars
  • Simple step-by-step instructions, everything is written in plain language
  • Unlimited updates and documents storage online for one year free of charge
  • 40% off prices for spouse/partner
  • Funeral wishes and Organ donation preferences for free
  • Option to have complicated Wills reviewed by a Lawyer at an affordable fee
  • Availability of well informed, quick response support at every step

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While there are store-bought blank Will kits, which are slightly cheaper than Online Wills, they are not comprehensive. Additionally, they are commercial productions and not personalized to cater to individual needs.


At the time of writing this article, Legal Wills is available for use in all Canadian provinces except Quebec

What to do after wet-signing your Will

  • Ensure you keep it in a safe place. You can keep it in a safe deposit box at your bank
  • Ensure your executor or delegated trusted authority, perhaps a spouse or partner knows where you kept it.
  • Update your Will when needed for instance with a change in your family situation, such as the birth of a child.

In summary, now you have the needed information to get yourself the most comprehensive online Will, Power of attorney, or Living will in Canada.

Legal Wills offers this service at the most affordable fee in the country with the best features. Use promo code LIVINGSMART15 at checkout for a 15% discount off any of their products.

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